What is PHPReports?

PHPReports started when I needed something to create some reports on the browser as replacement of those ones my company used to generate using tools like FoxPro, Visual Basic and all that m$ stuff you dudes know about.

I was starting PHP programming (still am) and was really excited about put all the info we need on the browser, but, no pain no gain, there's that kind of reports that needs to have grouping info, grouping break and all sort of grouping stuff including some operations like sum, max, min, average on group values.
And printing !!! Breaking the report into pages to fit on the printer as the regular tools do.

It was perfectly possible using PHP, but a report is different from the other, and the customization of it using pure hand-made-code will take a time that I didn't, don't and won't have. So I decided to make it on a flexible way using XML files to make the report layout, creating PHP code to run it on the browser.

Now its easy to make reports - just define the report layout and put all the functions you want - simple, clean and easy. And the most important! Using this approach you can (I did) show your company that you dont need any other kind of software to make all the stuff you need (by, m$ stuff).

Please sign the PHPReports user list, so I can talk with you guys and you can get some news about it.

Some comments about it:

"I think it's fantastic" M. Magin
"Looks great and I learned a lot about XML by just reading your sample code" A. Piercy
"Original idea!" H. Nevermann
"Very nice idea and implementation" K. Flaxman
"I thought it's a 'hot' idea!" A. Benacchio
"Download phpreports!" R. Fernandes
"The software seems to be great, we were looking for something similar for a long time" T. Srinivas
"Please keep working on it! It deserves a lot more of attention!" Q. Becerra


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